Welcome youth campers!!!
* Early Bird Registration - SAVE $25 on week long youth camps if registered with deposit by May 1.
Read Registration Policies HERE.
Small Fry Camp - June 20-22 2025
Registration cost: $95 + HST
If you are currently in grades 2 and 3, it is your turn to go to summer camp. Spend the weekend swimming, playing, singing, making new friends and learning about God.

Grades 7-10 camp - JUne 29- July4, 2025
Registration cost: $395+HST
If you have just finished Grades 7, 8, 9 or 10, spend a week having adventures at camp, making new memories, and experiencing where God takes us and has called us to go. An amazing week at camp is waiting for you this summer.
Grades 4-6 camp - July 6-11, 2025
Registration cost: $395+HST
If you have just finished Grades 4, 5 or 6, it’s finally your time to spend a whole week at camp. You will learn new camp skills, meet new friends, challenge yourself to do something new, while experiencing where God takes us and has called us to go.
Teen Canoe Trip - August 17-22, 2025
Registration cost: $395+HST
Spend a week in the wild learning new skills, creating new memories and how to work together to achieve a goal. Get ready to come home with a great story to tell. Challenge yourself to do something new experiencing where God takes us and has called us to go.